Hyperz Docs > Knowledgebase > Dark Bot Install

Dark Bot Install

# Dependencies

Fresh Install (Windows)

Use this installation guide if it is a fresh Windows VPS with pretty much no bulkware! This is designed to provide you with direct links to the software you need!

Firstly, let's fill out your config.js file. Make sure to use all the correct information.

If you need help, check out the little list below!

Where to find things:

Next, install NodeJS V16.13.2.

Make sure to go through the whole install process and select the options you want!

Next, let's install Git (for music).

Again, go through the whole install process and select the options and changes you want!

Now, let's get your SQL Server up and running on your VPS!

You can review this guide for how to install a MySQL Server on Windows!

Once you have your SQL server setup, simply open HeidiSQL, and select the file option in the top left hand corner, and select Run SQL File. Then simply select the install.sql file that is in your Dark Bot folder on your Windows VPS. If it asks any questions about encryption, or anything of that sorts, just select yes!

Now, open up your DarkBot folder on your Windows VPS, and simply run the CLIENT.bat file. If this is your first time setting up Dark Bot, make sure to install the modules first, so when the command prompt gives you 2 options, make sure to hit option #2 the first time around!

Once it is done installing the modules, your command prompt should close.

Now, re-open the CLIENT.bat file, and this time, select option #1 to start your DarkBot.

It should now give you an invite link to invite the bot to your server! MAKE SURE YOU USE THAT INVITE LINK!!!

Fresh Install (Linux)

Use this installation guide if it is a fresh Linux VPS with pretty much no bulkware! This is designed for you to just copy the commands and run them!

Firstly, let's fill out your config.js file. Make sure to use all the correct information.

If you need help, check out the little list below!

Where to find things:

Now, simply just follow the below commands!

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server

Press Y if it asks for confirmation!

sudo mysql
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'SETYOURPASSWORDHERE';
source /home/darkbot/install.sql;
sudo curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash

Then disconnect from your VPS and reconnect to it! This can be done by simply closing the SSH session and re-opening it!

Then, run the below commands!

nvm install 16.13.2
nvm use node

Next, let's get your bot started up!

screen -S darkbot
cd /home/darkbot
npm i
node .

It should now give you an invite link to invite the bot to your server! MAKE SURE YOU USE THAT INVITE LINK!!!

Common Errors

Slash Commands Not Showing:

There are multiple reasons as-to why this may be happening!

  • You don't have Discord permissions properly setup.
  • You didn't invite the bot to your server with the link it provided you in the console.
  • You are trying to use the commands in a channel that the bot doesn't have access to.
  • Your Discord cache is just messing up... (Very Uncommon!)

Ticket panels not posting

The biggest reason for this is your ticket panel description for one (or more) of your panels likely exceeds the character limit. Panel descriptions should really only be 4-6 words.

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